Featured Games
The Game: On Fire

The Game is no toy! You and your friends will have to work together if you are going to survive. How well can you coordinate your movements? Without talking? Can you trust your friends to make the right move? Quick thinking and spitfire cooperation will make or break you!

Nominated for the 2015 Spiel Des Jahrs (Game of the Year), players in The Game must work together to play cards into one of four different piles, with the hopes of discarding all 98 cards.

The trick is, you aren't allowed to tell anyone else what cards you have, so you'll constantly be on edge as each card played could upset your best-laid plans.

The Game: On Fire

The 2015 Speil Des Jahrs nominee is back with a brand-new edition! In The Game: On Fire, players work together to try and discard 98 cards into four different piles while never telling each other exactly which cards they`re holding. Adding fuel to the fun are the new 'On Fire' cards, which MUST be played on when they hit the table.

SKU: IDW 01179

SRP: $19.99