Featured Games
Dicey Goblins

These are special eggs! They have a glow that seeps deep into your soul causing an insatiable urge. Despite the peaceful look on her face, you know the sleeping mother dragon could roast your fragile goblin body without a second thought.

But, you throw caution to the wind and inch towards the eggs. How many can you grab (and escape from the lair with, unscathed) before you awaken the beast?

There's nothing more valuable to a Goblin than Dragon Eggs! They LOVE them, NEED them, and WANT them! The Dragons, on the other hand, might have something to say about it!

Dicey Goblins is a push-your-luck dice game of greedy Goblins - and stealing dragon eggs. Each round will challenge you to decide between attempting to raid the dragon's lair or running for the exit. Collect 18 eggs (or survive six rounds) for a chance to win!

Dicey Goblins

SKU: RGS 00517

SRP: $25.00