Featured Games
Pax Romana (Second Edition)

SKU: GMT 0601-15

SRP: $69.00

Pax Romana (Second Edition)

How did Rome get to be Rome? Why did the Glory That Was Greece fade? What stopped Carthage from making an empire of the Mediterranean? Could the Seleucids really have conquered the western world? Pax Romana covers Europe from 300 BC through the end of the 1st Century BC, when control of the Mediterranean was in a state of flux. The emphasis is on strategic operations, from raising armies and colonizing outlying areas, to fighting barbarian incursions to maintaining political stability at home. Scenarios range from The Punic Wars through the Eastern Mediterranean conflicts between the Greeks and the Seleucids.

This Second Edition of Pax Romana both updates and upgrades the game with a fully mounted map, corrected errata and revisions for the Rulebook, Playbook, and Charts, and Tables, and new art, plus counters and scenarios that appeared in C3i Magazine #19, along with additional material for a third player.