Featured Games
Vs. System 2PCG: The Marvel Battles

It's Clobberin' Time! Welcome to the rebirth of the Vs. System! In the Vs. System 2PCG (2-Player Card Game), 2-4 players each build a 60-card deck of Characters, Plot Twists, and Locations, and try to knock out their opponents.

Each player starts with a Main Character such as Iron Man, Star-Lord, or Thanos. During the game you’ll play resources and recruit Supporting Characters. You’ll organize your formation between your Front and Back Rows, and you’ll make solo and team attacks against your foes in order to stun and KO them.

You’ll play Plot Twists to enhance your team or hurt your opponent’s. You’ll use your Locations to activate your team’s Super Powers. Your Main Character will earn Experience Points and Level Up to dominate the battlefield. Finally, you’ll KO your opponent’s Main Character (or they’ll KO yours).

Each VS System 2PCG: Marvel Battles 2-player Box contains 400 cards to choose from to construct your opposing 60-card decks and a comprehensive rulebook.

Vs. System 2PCG: Marvel Battles

SKU: UDC 83865