Featured Games

In the United States, during the 1920s, the Volstead Act forbids the manufacturing and sale of alcohol. Nevertheless, prohibition represents a veritable gold mine for smugglers who dare to challenge the authorities. From the hooligan to the respected politician, many people have tried their luck in this lucrative market, yet it remains a dangerous activity since the agents of the prohibition — the Prohis — roam around. In Prohis, you are a smuggler running convoys of illegal goods to and from your warehouse. But transportation is a risky business because the cops (the Prohis) are onto your schemes and have the authority to inspect your cargo and seize any questionable goods they find. Bluff and negotiate past the authorities and make your way to fortune in Prohis, a social bluffing interaction game.


SKU: BOG 02600

SRP: $13.00