Featured Games
Warhammer 40K: Codex Skitarii

SKU: GAW 59-01-60

SRP: $33.00

Warhammer 40K: Codex Skitarii

Merciless and pure in their search for data, the Skitarii march without emotion across the galaxy, tearing the secrets of war from the cold, dead hands of their enemies. Armed with the most terrifyingly advanced weaponry the Imperium has ever known, and driven by data imperatives that enhance their abilities to almost supernatural levels, the Skitarii are a post-human nightmare rendered in metal and flesh, collecting and analyzing every morsel of information they can in order to fuel their thirst for ever more powerful tools of destruction.

This Warhammer 40K Codex features full background on the Adeptus Mechanicus, with information on forge worlds, motivations, and history of the Skitarii, as well as descriptions of the armed forces, vehicles, and technologies of the Skitarii.