Featured Games
Rumble In The Dungeon


"The dead king's tomb. Hmm, spooky and mysterious, but the dead king was rich. There must be a big treasure there."
"Yeah, right... And traps, too. And monsters. I'm not sure it's a good idea."
"Well, can't be worse than when we tried to snatch the dragon's eggs, I reckon."
"Can't be."
The two thieves looked at each other silently for a while.
"Y'know what? We split, join other adventurers, let 'em do the hard work, then snatch the treasure."
The thief's twin brother smiled.
"Sounds like a plan."

Living together in a small dungeon isn't easy. When the pressure is too high, it’s time for a big rumble in the dungeon!

Rumble in the Dungeon takes Rumble in the House to a dungeon setting with a new twist: a treasure chest hidden in the depths of the dungeon, filled with riches and glory!

On your turn, either move any character alone in a room to an adjacent room, or eliminate any character from a room with several characters in it. When there’s only one character left in the game, reveal your secret identity and score points for being in the game the longest. Try to guess who's who without revealing too much about your secret characters, and keep them alive in the dungeon as long as possible! It's that simple. So evil, but so much fun!

Rumble In The Dungeon

SKU: IEL 88007


Rumble In The House

It's time for a big rumble in the house! Will you be able to beat the other characters out of the house, stay inside, and keep your identity secret?

SKU: IEL 88004