Featured Games
Mars Attacks: The Miniatures Game

Take one look at Greenville and all you’ll see is a friendly American Town. You might not think it’s anything special, but you’d be wrong...

While the world’s governments stood idly by, a secret organization called the Novas Vira was preparing to defend Earth from the Martians. In hidden locations deep beneath the planet’s surface, they built a secure communications grid using reverse-engineered Martian technology supplied by a mysterious benefactor.

The Martians that planned the Invasion never knew about this hidden network, but now, as their Saucers surround Earth, a Martian General named Tor has learnt of its existence.

Tor knows about the Novas Vira, and plans to use this information to find their leader’s hiding place and become one of the greatest heroes of the Invasion of Earth. His first clue is the relay station he discovered… right in the centre of Greenville.

Now, the invasion has begun. Saucers have landed and the death rays have started firing. It’s time to pick your side and prepare for battle!

The Invasion Has Begun! Saucers have landed and the death rays have started firing. It's time to pick your side and prepare for battle! Capture critters for experiments, splat Martian brains in the streets, and unleash devastating death rays on your opponent with Mars Attacks, the crazy, hyper-violent, out-of-this-world tabletop miniatures game of Martian mayhem!

With Mars Attacks: The Miniatures Game, one player controls the might of the Martian Empire's vast army of invaders and the other the brave defenders of Earth, battling against impossible odds. Will you persevere with your human forces in a desperate bid to push back the Martians, or will you guide General Tor to his ultimate objective and uncover the leader of the Novas Vira? Only you will decide the fate of the planet!

Mars Attacks: The Miniatures Game


SRP: $74.99