Featured Games
Krosmaster: Arena - The Not Mines

Become master of the underground Krosmoz thanks to two new arenas full of deceit. Enjoy all-new gameplay and prove to your opponents that you're still the best, no-matter what (or where!) the battlefield is! And don't forget your helmet and lantern - you just might need them...

All that is mine is fine, but it's not getting me any more gems, nor kamas! To get rich in The Not Mines, you have to... mine! It's the new special action that will make you a wealthy Krosmaster - if you can avoid the crates of dynamite, of course! And it's no easy task: "Kill them all, to Enutrof his own" would be their motto if they only had one! And, if you don't want to end up pushing Demonic Roses, you'll have to stay mobile. Wagons are here for that: with the [Roule ma poule] spell, make your opponents pay dearly for their lives!

Krosmaster: Arena - Not Mines